The City of London Corporation has boosted its Brussels office presence with the appointment of former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Jeremy Browne, as Special Representative for the City.
The Special Representative will look to enhance the UK’s financial and professional services industry’s engagement with EU institutions and across Members States.
Mr. Browne’s remit will include:
- Engaging with the most senior EU policy makers and officials ensuring that the City Corporation remains fully engaged in EU policy making. This will include the European Commission’s Investment Plan and the development of an EU Capital Markets Union.
- Providing insight to senior leaders of financial and professional services firms on EU policy development.
- Explaining the value to senior EU opinion formers of London’s role as Europe’s international financial centre and how this supports EU-wide economic growth and job creation.
- Influencing the development of relevant EU financial services and related policy dossiers.
- Ensuring that the City’s voice is heard in Brussels ahead of the UK referendum on EU membership.