Another busy day in London, and one that shows how lucky we are to have senior judges willing to meet with people and talk about the importance of law and dispute resolution - because it underpins the economy and our society.
Today saw a gathering of - SIFoCC - a meeting of the world’s commercial courts working together to promote best practice and further the Rule of Law. It also highlighted and supported our pro bono legal services, provided by the national centre.
Business, nationally and internationally, thrives in a stable legal environment. SIFoCC facilitates collaboration between the world’s Commercial Courts. Working together, courts can make a stronger contribution to the rule of law than they can separately, thus contributing to stability and prosperity worldwide. I consider myself fortune to have had the opportunity tonight to talk to the Lady Chief Justice and others about what the future of tech and dispute resolution needs here in the UK.
We also heard from Lord Thomas the former Lord Chief Justice and the UK’s Attorney General, hearing how rule of law supports economic growth, and how much pro bono support is given in the UK each year. As part of which it was lovely to see Mia Motiee who is integral to the Green Tech Legal Collaborative pro bono scheme that I support. A programme established in 2021 by Bloomberg and Imperial College London in partnership with wonderful lawyers who give up time to help Greentech start-ups linked to Imperial Enterprise Lab